Be Careful What You Flush.

The Property you are renting is fitted with a kind of sewage treatment system called an “Alternative Wastewater Treatment System” (AWTS) or sometimes called an “Aerobic Treatment Unit” (ATU).

This kind of sewage treatment is not connect to mains sewage and is treated onsite. It relies on a bacterial process to break down waste and turn it into clean, recycled water that is reticulated on the property. Please check with the homeowner or your Real Estate Property Manager as to where this reticulation is located.

It is very important that the bacterial health of the system is maintained as it’s the cornerstone of a well functioning ATU. Failure to do so may result in costly callouts, bad smell, overflow, flooding or the need for a Total System Evacuation.

Do's And Don'ts

Use common sense. Only use your toilet to flush what it was intended to flush.

  • Use only septic safe cleaning such as Enviroplus, purigene paper and laundry products 
  • Do not use bleach or Napisan (this kills good bacteria)
  • If you have been using medicine like antibiotics, remedial action may be required.

Please read through the 10 Absolute Do’s and Don’ts for a Healthy ATU and keep it handy on the back of the toilet door, laundry wall and near the kitchen sink.

Our minimum recommendation for residents who have an ATU is to use e-Flush toilet cleaner and e-Zyme crystals regularly. Both these products contain powerful probiotics which will give your ATU the best chance. You can purchase them here.

Having People Over?

Having extra guests at your place?

The ATU system at the property is designed to manage the wastewater of a certain number of residents. In a domestic situation this is generally around 5 – 7 people. You will need to deliberately manage the water usage at times you have extra guests. For example, limiting shower times and managing how much laundry is done, when the dishwasher is use and taking deliberate steps to avoid too much water flowing through ATU over shorter timeframes.

A larger gathering or party?

If you are having extra guests for example, over the festive season, this can put too much load on the system and result in overflow, blockage and smell issues.

When lots of people use the facilities in a short time period, there may be too much water and waste being flushed through the ATU. Without the required settling time the ATU is not able to effectively process the waste and solids which can result in partially processed effluent overflowing or being reticulated. This is a public health issue.

You can avoid this happening by hiring a port-a-loo for your party and taking the load of the ATU.

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to call us and speak with our friendly Support Team on 08 9248 9440.

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